Thanks to REVENGE OF for hosting our first collection signing, and thanks to so many friends and fans for joining us. It felt really good after the last few harrowing weeks to get out in Los Angeles and do something normal. I’m looking up at snow capping a mountain that was on fire not too long ago. I’ll take it. It feels odd to push work during this time, but everyone that dropped into the show was ready to do something that felt normal.
We gave away this slabbed 1:20 variant of the fifth issue. Thanks, Carlos — and appreciate this photo. Revenge Of also has a 9.8 that will be going into a charity auction this week, so watch their socials.
On the state of the world…I don’t have much to say about this week except I hope everyone continues to make art that’s missing from the world, and continue to support the artists who are creating it. You’re going to see my name in some new and unexpected places, and I’m grateful for the chance to have fun in some new place. Details soon.
I’ve had the pleasure of reading the latest from Matthew Rosenberg, and it’s truly batshit crazy, in the very best way. My favorite spy thriller/family drama/android adventure…maybe ever?
You’ll get to experience the craziness for yourself in March, but only if you tell your retailer you’d like to pre-order, and believe me — you do. I can safely tell you: I have no idea where this comic is going, but I’m SO onboard for the ride.
Speaking of art that was missing from the world, Comics Beat has a very nice review of our first volume of FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL.
Any Other Big News?
In fact, yes there is. Marvel has announced that I’m privileged to be collaborating on GODZILLA VS HULK with superstar Giuseppe Camuncoli. Folks, you’re all in for a ride.
Godzilla VS Hulk is one of those dreams I would have when I was home sick from school running a high grade fever. Feels wonderful to help smash this into the world. Our tale is set in the 1970s — bring your bellbottoms and Trans-Ams. The cool thing about stories like this is the way you can mold continuity in fun and unexpected ways. It's could write a lot more with this wonderful giant lizard…
Also in the near future, more West Coast Avengers. The “Gospel Of Ultron” is building towards something…unexpected. Plus, Firestar’s problems are far from over and the entire cast and the new character has been a lot of fun to write.
In addition to the Avengers title and the Falling In Love collection I’m working on a few secret projects and lettering the second collection of The Dark Room. Also available — my photo book.
Please pre-order your books from your local comic shop. If you’re not near a comic shop then is a great alternative and of course it will be available at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. As a last resort, you can buy my comps from me directly for as long as stock lasts.
I’ve realized I can’t hand this out to most trick or treaters next Halloween without making the local news, so you can help take them off my hands. I’m bundling the trade with a copy of the 1:10 Frank Miller and Jock variant for a low price. Available signed by me here.
If you’re interested in the deluxe edition of Timing/Luck, you can purchase one of my few remaining copies here. I’m also signing a couple of comps and sliding them into the box. Purchase one of the last copies this way. Free shipping.
The limited hardcover and a roll of the dice of which signed comics you’ll receive, I can just promise you will get some of my personal comps from my Marvel, Image and DC work. But I’ll start with the Falling In Love comps, since they’re currently atop the stack.
Okay, more soon including what Scott Buoncristiano and Tamra Bonvillain have been working on in secret.
Let’s have a very boring February, please. Thank you.
Bye for now,
Los Angeles, 1-27-25
"Thrive in '25" sure turned into "suck a dick 'til /26" realllllly fast. Love to you and the fam.
Sign me up for Godzilla vs Hulk (to be read by flashlight under the covers).