Hi folks —
I’ve got a very busy week of personal travel, work, deadlines, meetings and then New York Comic Con. Here is how to find me.
I’ll be tabling a few hours each day at Comic Sketch Art down in Artists Alley. I miss the old building on the North side of the Javits, but those days are gone and not coming back.
Here are my signing times at Artist Alley Table E-32:
TH /// 11a-2p & 4 to close
F /// 1p-4p
Sa /// 12-2 & 4:30 to close
Su /// 1-4p
I also have a Marvel signing with Josh Cassara at the Marvel booth on Friday 12:30p. I don’t know if this is ticketed, but it should be irrelevant because you can find Josh and me downstairs in Artist Alley. I’ve not had the chance to meet Lucas Werneck - but our tables are next to each other and we can’t wait to tell you about the Fall Of The House Of X.
I’m also appearing on Marvel’s Next Big Thing Panel on Friday afternoon in room 415 at 3:15p. CB Cebulski, Jed MacKay, Jonathan Hickman and yours truly will answer your questions and try not to get into trouble. I have lots of wonderful memories of NYC during October, which was home to many comic cons and past Marvel retreats.

See you in New York,
PS - If you’re interested in my work — you might want to check out my lockdown project, TIMING/LUCK. I have all but fulfilled my crowdfunding effort, and I’m selling the extra books I printed to cover loss and damage. Not many of the limited slipcase with hardcovers remain. Check them out here. And any orders will not be fulfilled until the other side of New York Comic Con just FYI.
Are you going to have Timing/Luck at your table or just on your online store? Either way, going to have to grab one. And hey, see you at the con!