Beginning next Wednesday afternoon I’ll be tabling and signing at Comic Sketch Art downstairs at the Javits. You can find us in rows D/E/F/G/H/I tables 29-44 of Artist Alley. We’ll have some special stock of FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL, including the last of the Rian foil, the debut (and probably sell-thru) of the Frank Miller foil, and card stock variants of the Frank & Jock cover, and the very rare Frank raw cover.
Regardless of the cover you choose the entire team is delighted that this book has found an early readership ahead of our first collected edition. The cover is courtesy of Garry, Chris & Elliott and it’s really lovely.
It’s five comics crammed into four chapters, and the best part? The first print of the first trade is —
— the first trade is just 9.99!
Wow. Wow. Wow.
You’re welcome, world. I’ll get it back out of you…somehow.
There’s a compelling argument that creator-owned books should be the highest priced books on the market. It’s a direct support like Substack. And pre-ordering comics creator owned or not — is a gift to the creators, the retailers and yourselves. You’re ensuring the book survives, and I have a special way coming to thank readers with pre-orders. I’m just finishing up some complicated behind the scenes maneuvering to lock in what I want to try.
The first trade is going to basically disappear, but the 9.99 price point is meant to convert paperback readers into single issue purchases. If you want it, pre-order and to to our retail partners: order heavy, because the next printing of volume one may be priced higher so we can convert that revenue into production of more single issues.
Volume one can already be pre-ordered from booksellers and online shops, and you can pre-order it - and get it a few weeks ahead of everyone else in your local comic shop.
And as a reminder, we sold out of this issue at the distributor ahead of next Wednesday’s debut so FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL # 5 (Second Print) orders are due on Monday the 14th.
West Coast Avengers 1 from yours truly and Danny Kim lands on shelves Thanksgiving week, but final orders are due on Monday, too.
It’s gonna be a really fun one. Here’s ArtGerm’s variant for the first issue:
WCA is going to be a blast, and you’re going to want to get into this big story on the ground floor. Please pre-order the series, and please let your retailer know before Monday’s deadline. Alright. Stay healthy and have fun. See you in NYC. Looking forward to getting my steps in and shooting some pictures next week, too, I hope.
That first homage cover had me buy it, the story keeps me coming back every month for falling, Great book👍🏻
Will Spider-Woman get a blast in WCA? Do you have plans for her?