I had a pretty tough stretch of travel planned before life gave me other plans. I’m keeping the busy schedule, as it will also allow me to sort some family business.
Beginning this weekend I’ll be at San Diego Comic Con with a pair of second print foil covers from Comic Sketch Art of Rian’s cover of FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL.
After these sell, the only place to get them will be later this year from Rian’s store.
Friday 1p Image Comics Panel in room 25ABC
I’ll be discussing Falling In Love On The Path To Hell, the return of Dead Eyes, the second volume of The Dark Room…and more.
Friday 4p Marvel Panel in room 6DE
I’ll be discussing whatever questions come my way, a small indie movie debuting this weekend, and…maybe announcing something?
11a-1p at Comic Sketch Art at booth #4901
5-6p at Comic Sketch Art at booth #4901
10a-12p at Comic Sketch Art at booth #4901
2p-3:30p at Comic Sketch Art at booth #4901
3:30-4:30p at the Image Booth #1915
11a-2p at Comic Sketch Art at booth #4901
Then in August I’m doing a some East Coast dates in August starting with:
Third Eye Comics on Friday, August 9th. Exact details to come.
The following Wednesday I’ll be in Philadelphia at Brave New World celebrating the arrival of the first print of issue three of FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL.
There will be a NYC signing, I hope — I’ve had to change the schedule around for the aforementioned family business, but I hope I can announce something soon.
I will end the month up in Toronto at Fan Expo Canada from August 22-24.
I’ll also have some signing times in October at NYCC to come, including some time at the table beside Frank Miller if you’re looking for double signatures on his guest cover in October at Comic Sketch Art.
After New York Comic Con, I’ll be shutting it down for the year to focus on family and work.
Hope you’re all doing.
Oh excited to hear about the Dead Eyes update!
Hope SDCC serves you like a King! I know all-to-well the travel & conventions are not as luxurious as many seem to think, but I must admit, I wish I was there this year! The past year was an incredible year for content in our industry, with multiple indie companies making a big splash! My schedule wouldn’t allow me to make SDCC, unfortunately, but I’d be doing myself an injustice if I didn’t take a minute to mention just how much I’ve found FALLING IN LOVE ON A PATH TO HELL to be a truly brilliant piece of work, and I’m hooked! Keep up the masterful work & keep up the stellar work!
Outside of our Comic-Con circuit, for many years, my alter ego’s life has required I attend Marketing & Industrial Fabrics Industrial conventions across the US & Europe, all the travel would inevitably lead me to one of my favorite quotes by Chuck Palahniuk which always brings a smile to my face,
“You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, Dallas-Fort Worth, BWI. Pacific, Mountain, Central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Air Harbor International. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?” (FIGHT CLUB) Have a great SDCC & Thank You! Warm Regards-