Thanks to everyone at Reedpop, Comic Sketch Art & Marvel for bringing back to New York City. Looking forward to it.
My schedule is published, and I’m going to try and use those signing times as minimums as best I can— so if I’m not in a meeting I’ll try to lurk at Comic Sketch Art in artist alley.
I met a mutant on 8th Avenue. He is most welcome on Krakoa.
I’ve been lucky to be lug my Leica Q all around the world — and NYC remains undefeated. So when I’m not in meetings, or signings or panels I’ll be walking around trying to notice the world and not be noticed in it.
Here’s another mutant I met recently in London.
If you dig these, you might want to check out my lockdown project, TIMING/LUCK. I have all but fulfilled my crowdfunding effort, and I’m selling the extra books I printed to cover loss and damage. Not many of the limited slipcase with hardcovers remain. Check them out here.
All orders will be fulfilled with a pair of my autographed comps. Might get some of my Image Comics, Iron Man, Uncanny Avengers, Deadpool or X-Men.
A few of my favorites from the book:
Any orders place over the next week won’t ship until later in October. More comics tomorrow.