Today the Eisner Nominations were announced and I was very happy for Dave Weilgosi & Jessica Berbey at DC were nominated for their work editing BATMAN: ONE BAD DAY. It was a privilege to work again with one of my favorite collaborators, Matteo Scalera on Batman once again. He and I collaborated with Scott Snyder on Batman #34 when Greg Capullo needed a break and it remains one of my favorite one and done comics…until FREEZE: ONE BAD DAY.
The Eisner Awards are always a good time. Here’s Phil and I losing in…2007. We were nominated for THE INFINITE HORIZON our first collaboration together at Image Comics.
Frank Miller spoke that evening and it was surreal to be seated at that function and surrounded by so many creators that I admired. Jason Aaron, BKV and I were all nominated in the same category and we were sure that we were going to lose to Ed & Sean for CRIMINAL…and we were right.
San Diego was the biggest, busiest, loudest and most fun show in the world, and every year I grew the relationships with my friends and collaborators that would lead to a career in comic books. Over the years, the show became a bit of a ladder for my life and career. The first year I sleeping on a hotel room floor. This year, Disney is taking the baton from our X-Books and throwing a real-life Hellfire Gala. My life and career would be entirely different if I wasn’t hustling at San Diego for a good dozen or so years. It was the best work. Fun work. The picture below is from 2006, as evidenced by THE INFINITE HORIZON ashcan on the table.
I’ve missed the last couple of shows, but this San Diego is still coming into focus for me, I may be there I may not, but the chance to crash Disney’s Hellfire Gala cosplaying as a grumpy dad looking for his kid that’s run off with a mutant may be too much for me to resist. You’ll know about it here first if I take the train down this year. Taking Amtrak from Union Station in Los Angeles receives my highest possible recommendation. Much of the ride is right along the Pacific.
More soon