This frame from TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME illustrates pretty well what it’s like to be a writer and comics creator.
Some days I open up a comic script and I’ve barely left a damn thing to do. Other times, I find a mountain of work that needs to be sorted before the letters clocks in. This happens when the dialogue was not quite cooked when I handed off the script to be drawn. Today’s script polish was for UNCANNY AVENGERS # 5, and I sent myself off with a very polished art draft. Almost nothing to do but try to distill balloons down. It left me plenty of time to just enjoy the art…Javier Garron just destroys the last two issues of our mini — which is almost all action.
Issue # 3 is on sale now, with guest artist Emilio Laiso doing a great job on a date night chapter titled “The Arrogants” starring Monet and Quicksilver. And the Fenris twins, two of the best worst characters Marvel has in the handbook. Javier and Morry gave them nice new duds. It’s a fun one.
When the final chapter of this mini hits I’ll have a bit more to say about it. Captain America felt the need to fight with his words in this week’s chapter, and there will be a rebuttal from one of our antagonists in the end. It makes for a nice symmetrical structure. I can’t show you any of the inks I was polishing from today because they’re all spoilers. Some of you have correctly guessed the identity of the person masquerading as Captain Krakoa, while some of you have gone down the rabbit hole I hoped to send you down.
Endings are difficult and easy at the same time, and I’m executing on a few of them simultaneously. They’re bringing immense satisfaction. Hope you dig them. Okay, back to work. Scott Buoncristiano needs pages for the second volume of our collaboration, The Dark Room.