This one is special. When Jonathan was just commencing on his X-Men run one of the things that I think all the writers and editors were in agreement that we wanted to service the beloved mutants that maybe hadn’t enjoyed the spotlight in a while. (Or ever)
We knew that previous writers had not been able to resist the urge to make new mutants. There were the days when the X-Men books were not making a lot of new mutants, but those dark days ended, and the first law of Krakoa was:
That inside joke did seem to sail over most heads. Later after our sea legs were steady under us, we did make all kinds of fun new mutants. Pepe, Marte and I had a lot of fun in Planet Size X-Men and some of those new mutants have had some nice panel time. As the sun sets on this era, I had an idea for Doom that I just couldn’t leave un-mined. X-Men # 29 is a one and done about Doom and some of the powerful mutants in Latveria. It spans from Xavier’s message to the people of Earth to the present day. Joshua Cassara and Marte Gracia have outdone themselves and we can’t wait to introduce you to your favorite new characters — THE X-MEN OF DOOM.
It’s three first appearances for the price of one. Gentlemen, start your slabbing. Also debuting this week - INVINCIBLE IRON MAN # 13. A really fun issue from Juan and Bryan and the gang that stars Tony, Emma in disguise and an old friend from Iron Man’s past in a cameo. The final pieces are sliding into place for this volume’s big finish.
Check out both issues beginning on Wednesday. I have been working in secret on a couple of things, and will be ready to pull the curtain back on them very soon. Some of the secret gigs are in Final Draft, and will take longer to debut. I am writing every day, keeping a roof over my head doing what I love, and I’m very grateful for all your support.
Sigh ...Krakoa fell too soon. So many stories I wanted to hear. How is it four that in four years on an island paradise, freed from a lifetime of oppression, fear, and hate....nobody got pregnant?!? All of those healthy super powered good looking mutants and no baby mamas or daddies! They had their own vineyard, everybody was wearing spandex, beautiful beaches, no bills, no jobs, free travel. Nobody thought to bring lingerie or a Teddy Pendergrass record?