First, some bad news. X-Men comics are sliding a bit. X-Men 11 & 12 are at the printer, but 11 and possibly 12 might shift a week or two. The good news is, they’re a fantastic wrap to year one. Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia have outdone themselves once again.
One other thing, The Hellfire Gala one shot will be a big deal, and I don’t know what the reprint availability might be with the supply chain issues. Best to pre-order it if you’d like to attend.
The Dark Room
Our original hardcover graphic novel is heading to the printer this week and will be on sale June 29th. Feast your eyes on this preview. We’re putting a lot of love into the hardcover, it prints this week. If you want one, you should pre-order it, especially if you want the signed plate we’re providing to retailers.
Smoke Em If You Got Em
The Secret History Of The War On Weed is out now, and we’re glad you all had a blast. There is more of that on the way from Brian, Scott and yours truly later this year. See you at Halloween.
About a variant cover containing art derived from an NFT series: It was one of the bespoke covers that came in at the very end of production along with several retailer ones. I think there were eight total covers? We’re always happy to see the exclusive covers, it means a retailer believes in it enough to meet the minimum orders necessary to purchase them. I was in the midst of madness of trying to push over 200 pages of comics to the finish line (The Dark Room had to be lettered in advance) when I approved the 4-20 book and the exclusive covers, and I should have asked about that offer. The truth is I don’t look hard at the exclusive covers, but that will change moving forward. I personally don’t own, mint, or trade any NFT’s, nor do I have any plans to do so. The revenue from all the 4-20 covers goes into the pot split by the creators, our reps and Image, and that’s especially important in this case because Scott, Brian and I had agreed we’d donate a cut of our end to charity because there are still a lot of folks in jail for cannabis offenses that absolutely should not be. In a few months when my remittance hits from the debut I’ll be donating a portion of my proceeds from the entire print run to The Last Prisoner Project. Here are a few of the other charities doing good work that we shouted out:
Edit: Whatever you may think of NFTs or variant comic books, (and their environmental impacts) I made peace long ago with selling comic books to readers and collectibles to collectors. The success of the 4-20 comic will help ensure that Scott is only drawing creator-owned work at Image until at least 2023. Image Comics was the first publisher to take a chance on me, and it’s been a privilege to call them my home for creator owned collaborations. They’ve stuck with me through good times and bad. Hey, speaking of…
The Book That Couldn’t Be Killed Lives Again
There’s some really exciting news to come about this book, John is feeling better and turning in some amazing pages. This is from a tale that you will get to read this year…
John’s drawing Dead Eyes until the second volume is wrapped - we’re more than halfway done.
Oh, And One More Thing…
I leave you with what I consider to be the funniest exchange from my days of being a pen pal of Steve Ditko. He was a regular at the NYPL and I suggested seeing if they had Lone Wolf & Cub on the shelves…

More comics and more photos next update, and some Hollywood news soon-ish, I hope.
It’s hard to imagine Ditko (or any cartoonist of his time) really processing the idea of an 8000 page comic book created entirely by the same creative team. He’s coming from a context in which a 64 page story was considered a rare, lengthy indulgence.
NFTs suck, dropping X-Men from my pull list, fuck off with that bullshit.