Falling In Love # 1 Signing Opportunities...
...and A Look At Exclusive Covers From Mike Mayhew
First, your last chance to pre-order FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL is approaching. Speak to your retailer. There’s a preview here.
If you want some signed copies, here are some fun opportunities.
Collector’s Paradise has a great offer — the first arc is available signed by me for cover price with a certificate of authenticity. Click here for that one. It won’t ship until issue four drops in September. The link notes the first 5 issues signed, but the webpage correctly states the offer of the first 4 issues.
So — on launch day June 5th I’ll be at Golden Apple Comics signing at 11a. You can pre-order both X-Men 700 and the debut of FALLING IN LOVE ON THE PATH TO HELL. Click their flier below to the GA website.
After Garry and I finish signing at Golden Apple, we’ll head to the secret headquarters of Mike Mayhew Studio. Mike’s an amazingly talented painter and comics creator, and he and his team run a very cool comic business. Mike dug FALLING IN LOVE so much he painted his own exclusive cover to our first issue.
There will be two versions of this cover available, one with our super cool logo from Elliott Gray, and one without.
These rare variants are now available to pre-order on Mike’s website in variety of offerings. Garry and I will be signing the run, and I think we’re going to be streaming from Mike’s studio on the afternoon of June 5th on Mike’s channels.
Meanwhile, for the rest of the known universe, your last day to ensure you have a copy of our first issue is really this Friday because retailers need to lock in orders by the end of the day on May 13th. Basically, if you want a first print, you’re gonna have to pre-order it.
The weekend of June 7th I’ll be appearing at Fan Expo Dallas. Never been to that city, so hopefully will be a busy time. I hope not so hectic that I can’t visit the Schoolbook Depository and Dealey Plaza. Never been. Due to schedule and work and family commitments Dallas is my penultimate show. Toronto’s Fan Expo in August will be my final show of 2024 so I can focus on work and family, and writing more for my subscribers here.
Thanks so much for all your support. It means the world.
PS - We’re doing an olde skool letters column for this series so if you’re overcome by the notion to send off a missive, our email address is writetohell(at)gerryduggan.com — be sure to mark okay to print.
Howdy. Wasn’t sure where to send this but I noticed the comic on Comixology/amazon wasn’t setup as a series so all the issues (currently just the first two) are disparate. Makes it a bit harder to find and follow.