I would take it again just for the psychological benefit.

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I am a comics fans living in HK, i totally believe the virus is from wuhan, no matter it was released accidentally or intentionally

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This is the stuff that sits in my guts. Years ago, we scared off most of the ding dongs by being a shop that doesn't mess around with garbage. And by "scared off", I mean had hard conversations about the language that is allowed in the shop, and the items we're willing to casually stock (and therefor, implicitly endorse).

So we haven't dealt with a lot... even though we're deep in the heart of Canadian Texas/Florida and even just a month ago our Premier was talking about how the province would stop tracking and requiring mandatory isolation and the like, before disappearing from the public for three weeks and coming back to walk back A LOT.

When the province dropped masking protocols, we kept making people wear them because MY GOODNESS, kiddos can't be vaccinated and a dang third of our store is for them. We'd have done it regardless, but "think of the children" was a good short hand for random buttwads.

Anyway. First our city started requiring masks, and finally our province once again. We shouldn't have to, but it seems enough folks lack some empathy and can't be even slightly inconvenienced. So we're here.

I think it'll be some time before we won't be without masks. Personally, it has become a comfort, and honestly, I haven't been sick in the slightest since the pandemic started, so I mean... I truly might continue just because?

Thanks for this missive. Best to you and yours.

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